The Master Pyraminx is a well-known adaptation of the immensely popular Pyraminx. First conceived in 2002, the Master Pyraminx was, until recently, a collector’s item, as the original designer only created a handful of them in 2006. However, as of 2016, there is now a mass-produced edition by ShengShou. This puzzle is often referred to lớn as the 4x4 Pyraminx, as its increase in size is similar to lớn that of the 4x4 in comparison to lớn the 3x3 Rubik’s Cubes.

Bạn đang xem: Cách giải rubik master pyraminx 4x4



A lot of the solution for the Master Pyraminx is based on concepts learnt from solving the original Pyraminx. The Pyraminx is really easy to lớn solve, so it is imperative that you know how to vì so before you start with this tutorial.

This tutorial will also require basic knowledge of how certain moves affect different pieces on the puzzle, which can be acquired by playing around with a Pyraminx và seeing what you can do.

The steps required khổng lồ solve the Master Pyraminx are as follows:

Solve the 3 edge centres on each side.Adjust the vị trí cao nhất layers and the tips.Solve the actual centres.Solve the đứng đầu three edges.Solve the bottom six edges.Solve the last middle three edges.

The notation for the Master Pyraminx will be done in a similar way lớn the notation for a regular Pyraminx, except with an extra layer. Knowledge of standard Rubik’s Cube and/or Pyraminx notation is required:

U, L, R, B – These moves reference the top sections of the puzzle (indicated on the image in green).Uw, Lw, Rw, Bw – These moves reference the đứng đầu two layers of the puzzle (excluding tips) (indicated on the image in blue)u, l, r, b – These moves reference the tips of the puzzle (indicated on the image in purple)

Tutorial - How lớn solve the Master Pyraminx

The first step involves solving the 3 edge centres on each side. This refers to lớn the three pieces highlighted by the image. This can be done in the same way as solving the edges on a standard Pyraminx (in the first step of the Pyraminx solution), however instead of where you would vị U, L, RB moves on the standard Pyraminx, you vị Uw, Lw, Rw and Bw moves. You should be able to vì this without any help, considering that you already know how to lớn solve centres in this way on a smaller puzzle.

Once you have the first three centres solved, you can complete the rest of the centres for the puzzle. This is, once again, an intuitive stage. Think of this like solving the tips on a regular Pyraminx. The tip is either solved or requires a U or U’ move lớn solve. Just vị the same here so the yellow highlighted pieces match in colour with the pieces you solved earlier.

Finally, you can adjust the tips. This can be done in the exact same way as the above step (i.e. The same as the tips on a regular Pyraminx), but using u, l, r and b moves this time. The tips are highlighted in purple.

The last step of the overall centres section involves solving the actual centres on the puzzle (i.e. The piece in the exact centre of each face). This piece is highlighted in trắng on the adjacent image. There are three different cases for the centre pieces:

All 4 solvedAll 4 unsolved1 solved, 3 unsolved

If you have all 4 centres solved, then you can skip this stage but remember it for later if you try to lớn solve it again và come across a case that requires an algorithm.

If you have all 4 centres unsolved, then the algorithm lớn solve them is very simple. The centres will be swapped in pairs, for example the yellow and blue centres will be on the blue and yellow sides etc. Simply place one of these centres on the front face & the other on the bottom face (this will place the two other unsolved centres on the back faces) & perform this algorithm: (Rw’ Lw Rw Lw’). Vị this algorithm three times to solve the centres.

If you have only 1 centre solved, then hold this centre on the left of the puzzle. Then perform this algorithm: (Rw Uw Rw’ Uw). Vày this algorithm twice. If the centres are still not solved, do it another two times.

Now this section is done, the pieces highlighted in the adjacent image should be solved on your puzzle. This entire section is the equivalent of solving the three centres on each side và the tips on a regular Pyraminx.

The remaining edges are solved in three parts:

Top three edgesBottom six edgesMiddle layer edges (white)

The image shows the edges referred to above (text colour = edges).

The majority of the edge solving section is intuitive. It should be solvable using what you know about Pyraminx edge movement, but here is a short overview for each section that explains how you should go about it:

The concept of pieces and slots

When solving the edges of the bottom layer of a standard Pyraminx, you most likely use a method that involves inserting pieces into their slots. The solved centres determine the slots & the stickers on the pieces determine the pieces. Moves are made that specifically preserve what is already made. For example, if you wanted khổng lồ get Piece A into Slot B, you would have to vày a specific mix of moves. The simplest way would be by doing U’ R’. This would place the edge, but it would misplace Centre C. To lớn avoid misplacing the centre, you need lớn insert the edge into the slot between the two pieces, not just in the position. This can be done by doing R U’ R’. The R move at the start brings the slot to the same layer as the piece, which allows for the piece to replace the one in the slot.

This is what is meant when the concept of moving the slot to lớn insert the piece.

Likewise, on the Master Pyraminx, the slots in the đứng top of the puzzle have lớn be moved khổng lồ insert the pieces. You can insert the pieces by doing wide moves to lớn place them in the đứng top layer. If the piece you’ve placed in the đứng top layer is flipped, then it is not the right piece. It is important lớn remember that there are two edges instead of one (just lượt thích the 4x4 in comparison to lớn the 3x3), so these need khổng lồ be differentiated between.

You can perform a wide move to insert the first edge piece in its correct slot (the centres pieces on the vị trí cao nhất layer determine the correct slot), then do a U or U’ lớn move the slot out of the way, then invert the wide move to restore the centres. This will leave you with one solved edge on the đứng đầu layer (one edge between two centres that match the edge stickers) and every centre back in its original place. The same thing can be done for the second edge, but for the third edge you need to utilise the concept of moving the slot lớn insert the piece. It’s not possible to simply move the piece into the đứng top layer, because there are no empty slots in the vị trí cao nhất layer to replace it with. Therefore what you can bởi instead is bởi the same wide move but in the opposite direction lớn bring the slot down to lớn the piece, insert the piece into the slot, and move the slot back lớn its original position.

Note: It doesn’t matter how many thiết đặt moves you bởi vì in order khổng lồ get the correct edge into position lớn be moved up as long as you undo all of the moves in order afterwards.

The same concept is applied with the bottom layer edges. Simply rotate the puzzle so that your bottom face is now the front face (this should move the solved top layer lớn the back of the puzzle, out of the way). This will give you a new đứng top layer. You only have to solve the two edges facing toward you at this point (i.e. The edges that are on the bottom of the puzzle when it is upright). After these are solved using the same style of solving as for the original đứng top layer, rotate the puzzle so that you still have the same face pointed towards you but so that you have two more unsolved edges on the new top layer. The rotation is shown in the images below. Do this once more và you’ll have all 6 bottom layer edges solved, so you can rotate the puzzle back (put the bottom face back on the bottom of the puzzle).

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Finally, all that remains unsolved are the middle three edges. There are only three cases for this, và only one algorithm required. There are two ways in which the edges can be cycled, or the edges can be solved. If they are solved, then you’re already done. However, if they need khổng lồ be shifted, then do the following algorithm from any orientation with the three edges to be solved in the middle layer: (R U R’ U). Bởi this algorithm twice. If the puzzle is not solved, then vị it two more times. Your puzzle will now be solved.