Học giờ Anh trải qua việc hiểu truyện ngắn tiếng Anh sẽ để cho việc học tập ngoại ngữ bớt nhàm ngán hơn. Cạnh bên đó, hiểu truyện ngắn giờ đồng hồ Anh không chỉ giúp cho bạn tiếp cận ngữ điệu một cách thoải mái và tự nhiên mà còn giúp các bạn cải thiện được vốn trường đoản cú vựng, các cấu trúc và thực hiện câu chuẩn xác. Trong bài viết này elaopa.org sẽ reviews đến các bạn những mẩu truyện ngắn hay cùng dễ gọi nhất. 


1 – Truyện ngắn giờ Anh: Birds và a Baby

The baby was lying on her back. A blue bird flew in through the window. The xanh bird had blue eyes. It sat on the baby’s crib. The bird had a bell around its neck. The bell rang. The baby smiled. The baby reached for the bell. The bird shook its head. The bell fell off the bird’s neck. It fell next to the baby. The baby picked up the bell. The baby rang the bell. Another xanh bird flew in through the window. This blue bird also had xanh eyes. The baby had brown eyes. The birds looked at the baby. The baby looked at the birds. The baby rang the bell again. Both birds flew away. The baby started lớn cry. His mama came into the room. The baby smiled. Mama saw the bell. She asked the baby where the bell came from. The baby pointed at the window.

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2 – Truyện ngắn giờ đồng hồ Anh: The Baby Bear

The baby bear followed his mama. Mama bear walked through the woods. She was looking for berries to lớn eat. She found some đen berries. She started eating them. The baby started eating them, too. They ate all the berries. Baby bear was full. Mama bear was still hungry. She started walking again. She wanted to lớn find more berries lớn eat. Baby bear lay down. He was full. He wanted to lớn take a nap. But mama bear came back. She growled at the baby bear. He understood mama’s growl. When mama growled, he obeyed. He got up và followed his mama. Someday he would take a nap after a meal. A squirrel ran up a tree with a nut. It dropped the nut and ran back down to the ground. It picked up the nut and looked at the baby bear. Then it ran back up the tree. Baby bear did not lượt thích nuts. They were too hard khổng lồ open.

3 – Truyện ngắn tiếng Anh: Ask Santa

It is December. That means it is Christmas time. Christmas time means Santa Claus is coming. Sara và Billy love Christmas. They love Santa Claus. They love the gifts from Santa. Last year they got nice gifts. Sara got a teddy bear và a rubber duck. Billy got a green boat and a rubber duck. The rubber ducks float. When Sara takes a bath, her pink duck floats in the water. When Billy takes a bath, his xanh duck floats in the water. One time Billy put a goldfish into the tub. It swam for a while. Then it died. He buried it in the backyard. He was sad. This year Sara và Billy want bicycles. Sara wants a red bike. Billy wants a blue bike. Mama said she would talk to daddy. Sara asked mama, “Why don’t you talk to lớn Santa?” Mama said, “That’s a good idea. When daddy comes home, he và I will talk to lớn Santa.”

ĐỌC THÊM Tổng hợp hầu như câu đố mẹo vẻ, vui nhộn bằng tiếng Anh

4 – Truyện ngắn giờ đồng hồ Anh :In the Garden

Mama was in the garden. “What are you doing?” Johnny asked. She said she was planting roses. Roses are flowers. They are very pretty. They are usually red. Roses have thorns. His mama said, “Thorns will stick you. Be careful around thorns.” Johnny went to the front yard. His dog Rex was waiting for him. Johnny picked up a stick & threw it. Rex chased the stick. He brought the stick back. Johnny ran around the house. Rex chased him. Johnny ran through the garden. Rex ran through the garden. Mom yelled at Johnny and Rex. She told them lớn play somewhere else. She told them to lớn stay out of the garden. Johnny apologized to his mom. He went lớn the garage & got his bike. He went for a bike ride. Rex ran next khổng lồ the bike.

ĐỌC THÊM xem phim Mỹ học tiếng Anh công dụng với 7 bộ phim truyền hình siêu hay

5 – Truyện ngắn giờ Anh: No Food, No Job

I am an adult. I’m not a kid. I’m a grown-up. I need some money. I have no food. I am hungry. I am not thirsty, because water is everywhere. But water has no taste. I want to drink a soda. I want khổng lồ drink milk. I want to lớn drink coffee. I want to work. Nobody will hire me. Nobody is hiring anybody. Companies are firing people. Companies are laying off people. Everyone is looking for a job. I cannot pay my rent. I will have khổng lồ live in my car. I don’t want khổng lồ live in my car. My oto has no bed. Everyone should live in a house or an apartment. Many people don’t have a car. They live on the street. A street has no bed. Nobody should live on the street. I don’t know what lớn do. I don’t know where lớn go. Maybe I will go khổng lồ church. Maybe I will find help there.

6 – Truyện ngắn giờ Anh: Boys Will Be Boys

The two brothers loved each other. But sometimes they argued with each other. Sometimes they yelled at each other. Sometimes they pushed each other. Sometimes they hit each other. Sometimes they got into a fight with each other. Bobby was the older brother. Billy was the younger brother. Bobby was older than Billy. Billy was younger than Bobby. Bobby climbed into a tree. His kite was in the tree. He could not reach his kite. He fell out of the tree. Billy laughed. He laughed when he saw Bobby fall to lớn the ground. Bobby was not hurt. But he was angry. “Why are you laughing?” he asked Billy. “That was funny!” Billy said. Bobby said it wasn’t funny. Billy said it was funny. Bobby pushed Billy. Billy pushed Bobby. Bobby punched Billy in the stomach. Billy punched Bobby in the stomach. They put their arms around each other. They wrestled on the ground. They rolled around và around. Their mom came outside. “What are you two doing?” she asked. She separated them. She said, “You shouldn’t hit each other. That’s not nice. Wait till your father gets home.” She sent them to their rooms.

ĐỌC THÊM biện pháp đọc và phương pháp dùng chuẩn của Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss trong giờ đồng hồ Anh

7 – Truyện ngắn giờ Anh: God Loves Babies

The husband và wife wanted to have a baby. They prayed for a baby. God answered their prayers. The doctor said they were going to lớn have a baby. The wife asked, “How many?” The doctor said he didn’t know yet. The husband & wife were very happy. Now they would have a baby. They both wanted to have a baby. They visited the doctor a month later. He examined the wife. He used a special machine. He saw the baby. He saw more than one baby. He saw two babies. He saw more than two babies. He counted the babies. He told the wife, “You will have more than one baby. You will have eight babies.” The wife couldn’t believe it. Her husband couldn’t believe it. Eight babies! “We will have a big family,” said the husband. “We will have a very big family,” said the wife. “But how can we pay for all these babies?” asked the husband. “We can pay for one baby. But eight babies cost a lot of money. How can we pay for eight babies?” The wife said, “We will find a way. God will help us find a way.” They both smiled. They would have a big happy family.

8 – Truyện ngắn giờ Anh: Tell the Truth

She was angry. She was angry at her husband. He lied to lớn her. He lied many times. She was tired of his lies. She said enough was enough. She took off her ring. She dropped it into the toilet. She flushed the toilet. She got into her car. She got on the freeway. She drove the car fast. She was crying. She was very sad. She drove the car faster. She passed many cars. The speed limit was 60 mph. She was going 80 mph. A cop saw her. The cop chased her. The cop turned on his red light. He turned on his siren. She heard the cop car. She saw the flashing light. She drove faster. Now she was going 90 mph. The cop drove faster. It started to lớn rain. She didn’t slow down. She lost control. The car rolled over. It rolled over và over. She died before it came to a stop.

ĐỌC THÊM đứng top 10 thành ngữ tiếng Anh với tự Pig rất thú vị

9 – Truyện ngắn giờ Anh: Corn for People và Animals

The farmer drives a tractor. The tractor digs up the ground. He plants yellow corn in the ground. He plants the yellow corn in the spring. The corn grows in the summer. The rain helps the corn grow. If there is no rain, the corn dies. If there is a lot of rain, there is a lot of corn. He harvests the yellow corn in late summer. He sells the corn at his vegetable stand. He sells one ear for 25 cents. He sells four ears for $1. He sells all his corn in just one month. The neighbors love his corn. The corn is fresh. It is bright yellow. It is tasty. It is delicious. The birds love his corn, too. They don’t pay for it. They eat it while it is in the field. They don’t cook it. They eat it raw. The farmer doesn’t get angry. Birds have to lớn eat, too. So do cows. The farmer has one cow. He gives his cow fresh corn every summer. The cow loves the corn. It eats a lot of yellow corn in the summer. Sometimes it makes yellow milk.

10 – Truyện ngắn tiếng Anh: Rain và Hail

Dark clouds were in the sky. The sun went down. The weather got cold. The wind started lớn blow. Leaves blew off the trees. Paper flew through the air. People buttoned their jackets. The rain started to fall. At first it was quiet. Then it got louder. It was a storm. The rain was very loud. The man couldn’t hear his TV. He turned up the volume. Now he could hear his TV. He looked outside his door. He looked at the rain. It was pouring off his roof. It was a flood. Then he saw lightning. Then he heard thunder. It was a very cold night. The rain changed to lớn hail. The hail was very noisy. He turned up the TV volume again. Now he could hear his TV again. He watched TV for a while. Then he looked outside again. All the cars were white. The street was white. The ground was white. The hail covered everything. The hail looked just like snow. He wanted to make a big snowman. But you can’t make a snowman out of hail. You can only make a snowman out of snow.

Sách Tiếng Anh Cơ Bản là bộ học liệu độc quyền do elaopa.org xây dựng, cung cấp đầy đầy đủ kiến thức căn nguyên tiếng Anh bao gồm Phát Âm, từ Vựng, Ngữ Pháp và lộ trình ôn luyện bài bản 4 tài năng Nghe, Nói, Đọc Viết.

Bộ sách này dành cho:

☀ học viên phải học kiên cố nền tảng giờ đồng hồ Anh, cân xứng với phần lớn lứa tuổi.

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