There are quite a few good grammar books available nowadays, but English Grammar in Use is still my favorite. A new fifth edition was published this year, and I will continue recommover it to students. Though it is advertised as a book for intermediate learners, I usually recommkết thúc it even lớn upper-intermediate and advanced students.

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The 145 units in the book (& related appendices và extra exercises) make it a fairly comprehensive look at English grammar. With 34 years worth of revisions over the course of the book’s five sầu editions some obvious thought has been put inlớn how the information in the book is presented. It is remarkably easy to lớn follow.

A moderate level of revision has occurred since the fourth edition was published in 2012. This seems lớn mostly have affected the organization of the exercises in the book, but the explanatory parts have sầu been revised to lớn some extent as well. On a shallower note, I’m happy lớn report that the illustrations in the book finally reflect a modern aesthetic – those in the fourth edition were not particularly attractive sầu.

Overall, though, the book maintains the organization used since at least the second edition (the earliest I have in my collection). Each unit is two facing pages long. The left-h& page explains a specific grammar point, and the right-hand page includes exercises that students can work through. Answers are included at the end, though Cambridge does sell a version with those omitted. The seven appendices danh mục verb forms, contractions, tricky spelling rules and notes about American English usage. There is also a study guide which might help students discover specific grammar points they should focus on.

lưu ý that the units are grouped inlớn logical chapters (present and past, modals, adjectives và adverbs, etc) rather than from “easy khổng lồ difficult.” This isn’t a book that students work through from the beginning lớn over, but rather one where they focus on units covering their specific needs. The study guide might help, but they really need a teacher lớn show them the way. While the cover bills this as a “self-study guide,” it is better used as a supplement to lớn classroom instruction or personal tutoring.

These activities pair well with Cambridge’s companion text English Grammar in Use: Supplementary Exercises. That book was updated in 2019 lớn match the new edition of the main text. Obviously, it provides additional practice which matches the units in the main book. Keep in mind, though, that it book lumps units together, và not always in chronological order.

A Note About Editions

There is an American version of the book called Grammar in Use Intermediate. I always get the original English version since it is usually published first. However, it seems that in 2018, for the first time ever, the American version was released first. Go figure. cảnh báo that the American version is very similar, with just a few small differences.

There is also a version for Android and Apple devices, but it is based on the older fourth edition and the pricing kind of sucks – one không tính phí chapter (six units) & about $2.00 per chapter after that.

Cambridge also publishes Advanced Grammar in Use. It was last updated in 2012, but I am not familiar with it.

For my TOEFL Students

For the record, if I haven’t been able lớn properly identify which units a specific student should focus on, here are the chapters and units I suggest to lớn them. I think reviewing them will help students lớn write effective sầu TOEFL essays:

PresentandPast(units2, 3, 4, 5, 6)Presentperfectandpast(units 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16)Future (units19, 20)Modals (units26, 27)-ingandlớn (units53, 56, 60, 62)Articlesandnouns (units71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 81)Pronouns and determiners (units 85, 87)Adjectivesandadverbs (units105, 106, 107, 108)conjunctionsandprepositions (units 113, 119)Prepositions (all units)Phrasal verbs (all units)

Obviously that just scratches the surface of English grammar, but it is usually a good start for the tasks students complete in the writing section of the TOEFL.

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cảnh báo that I also have a much longer danh mục that I usually give to lớn the students I teach one-on-one.